
In my opinion if there was a teleporting  machine, it would make our lives much more easier. Because it would take 2 seconds to arrive to anywhere. If I create a teleporting machine I would go to every country I like. Because I wanted to travel the world. And travelling the world takes a lot of time but teleporting lets us going much more faster. I would go to  NBA match. It would be a very important and memorable memory for me. After that I would go to AREA 51! People always make theories about Area 51. I would like to go there and look there if there is an alien or improved technology there. I would teleport to Swakopmund, Namibya. Because it is the place where desert and Atlantic ocean intersect each other. That’s why there is a beautiful view. I wanted to teleport there because I want to see it. Swakopmund Namibya is one of the best place people should see.


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