Teleportation Device and Ancient Civilizations

Recently, I made an invention that was sure a big dream of humanity: a teleportation device. It was able to get me anywhere and any time of the world. Although I was very happy about my invention, I was well aware of the consequences it could create. “Grandfather Paradox” was something pretty real so any wrong act of mine could have terrible consequences. And I couldn’t even imagine what it would cause in the wrong hands.

So I was cautious. I hid my invention from everyone and promised myself to carry as less technological stuff as possible.

I directly went to the time of Antoninus Pius, one of my favourite Roman emperors. I stayed for a few months at that time of peace and wealth and travelled around Rome. But all those apart, I got to meet and talk with the Augustus and his successor Marcus Aurelius. I was biting my lips not to tell them where I came from, but I couldn’t help myself but imagine what their faces’d be like. I was wondering if young Caesar would be able to protect his well-known calmness or not.

I was thinking of discovering other ages of Rome as well until I figured out I could go to the Library of Alexandria. I could very well faint the moment I got there. It was so good! Even though I thought to stop it from getting destroyed, I hadn’t a single idea what would happen that way. So I just travelled around and didn’t even try to stop myself from taking screenshots of pages of some books. I’d be able to leak it to the Web in a safe way, I was sure.

Then I went to 1st century Palestine. I got the chance to observe daily life and the Roman-Jewish War. They were interesting.

Next, I visited the 3rd century before Christ Hun Empire. The warrior capabilities of Turks were no less than Romans. It was a different culture, language and country than the others I went to. I had made a good choice going there for sure.

And when I returned, I knew I had learned a lot. I was glad I visited all those places and met all those people. But if one thing’s absolute, it’s that I’m going to use my device a lot.

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