Technology in Education

Technology has definitely played one of the most influential roles in history. Taking a closer look at our epoch, it’s obvious that technology has a lot in control. Education has shaped and branched into new methods regarding this massive development in technology. It’s clear that we don’t go by the same methods that people used to in medieval times. The integration of technology in education comes with pros and cons. While some people approve of this change in education with technology and appreciate it, others stand by more traditional methods.

To start with the pros, technology makes learning more efficient because it personalizes a student’s requirements. Educational websites and platforms correctly analyze what a student needs and give instructions that are on point. This process would be very time-consuming and tedious for the teacher to do. 

Technology also helps students shape their perspectives according to the best way that they can learn by turning complex theories into something visual. This gives students the opportunity to understand better by supplying a cohesion between listening, reading, and visuals.

Technology also makes learning more fun for most of the students. It is clear that a lot of the students find it difficult to have motivation in class and technology reduces this by turning learning activities into games. This makes students motivated to learn and participate. When students are happy learning, they will understand better.

To continue with the cons, technology causes less direct social interaction. Students may not need to communicate with their classmates or teachers as often and this may cause a loss in network.

It is essential to establish some fundamental rules for the use of technology in classes or it can result in students being distracted and using their devices for other purposes than learning. This will not only result in individuals being distracted but also will obstruct others from focusing.

Overall, technology integrations have shifted education to a whole new level by establishing new techniques and bringing in a new perspective both for students and teachers. However, it can result in some unwanted consequences if not monitored thoroughly.


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