If we examine today’s education systems, we can understand that today’s people do not believe that an individual can learn without a teacher. Especially the new generation families not only send their children to school, but also take lessons from private teachers. Few parents believe that their child can learn on their own. I want to exemplify this from real life.
For example, there is a child and he is making ships and airplanes from craft paper. but this kid hasn’t learned that lesson before. When he gets bored, his mother and father notice this child, who makes something out of paper, and they decide to send him to private lessons. Parents think that the child can learn if he takes lessons. but this kid didn’t learn this trade from anybody. he became skilled at this job while curling papers on his own, and if this child continues this job on his own instead of being forced to take lessons, he may become more expert than the people he can take lessons from.know that we cannot exemplify this with this case alone. I want to talk about the small but big things that have been found so far. for example, the discovery of electricity. Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity after his own experiments. no one taught him anything. he discovered it as a result of self-experimentation and research.
but self-learning may not be for everyone. Without a tutor, ambitious self-exploration and conclusion may not appeal to everyone. Some may also prefer to just lie down and spend the whole day in front of the TV. so for some people what any tutorial teaches is important. Of course, it is possible to learn without a teacher, but this varies from person to person. I even think it has something to do with greed. A person who tries hard, wants to learn, researches and inquires learns knowledge in a way because he is ambitious to learn this knowledge. those who want to learn this knowledge again but do not know how to do it need a teacher.
as a result it is certainly possible to learn without a teacher. We can understand this from people who have found electricity, writing, fire and many other important materials in the past. after all, they didn’t have a teacher either, but they still came to a conclusion. The important thing is that we are people who can do it. If we can draw our own path when there is no one to guide us, we can reach information without a teacher.
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