Is Nietzsche who says “Giving importance to yourself increases individuals’ dignity.” or Yunus Emre who says “Humility exalts human virtue.” right? Firstly, both are incredible […]
Devamını okuEtiket: right
Voice of Us
In our world, we are not equal and we will never going to be. From the second that we were born till the our last […]
Devamını okuRight To Live
Some doctors make medicine tests on the animals that are alive before giving it to humans. This is unfair! Animals have a right to live […]
Devamını okuEthical Values
If ethical values were universally respected and everyone took care of their universal values, the world we live in could be in a much better […]
When we were kids… Remember when we used to put our arms in your shirt pretending we had no arms and told everyone? We would […]
Devamını okuPossible Ways of Dreaming in Cruel Reality
Sometimes our lifes can be really challengy and filled with despair. We can easily see that the amount of people who are depressed or who […]
Devamını okuCan Tough Rules Solve Our Problems?
Every society needs some rules for happy and proper people. If everybody obeys these rules, there is no problem anymore. On the other hand, some […]
Devamını okuTowards Gray
Women and men… These two positions, which are the leading roles in everything, cause many people to be confused. While some claim that we are […]
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