Humans, have always been curious about the universe. From looking at the stars to building rockets to go to outer space, we have tried to […]
Devamını okuEtiket: poverty
Finding Life On Mars Or Solving Our Worldly Problems?
We are all curious about space, the universe, planets ad even aliens. We want to find out more about these things so we spend money, […]
Devamını okuMars on Earth
In my opinion, I support solving our problems, such as poverty and hunger, rather than focusing on finding life on Mars or a similar planet. […]
Devamını okuIs it worse to have too much money or not enough?
According to the United Nations (UN), around 9 million people die each year from hunger or hunger-related causes. Many of these deaths are directly linked […]
Devamını okuChild Labor
Child labor is a pervasive problem in many parts of the world, with millions of children being forced to work in unsafe and unhealthy conditions, […]
Devamını okuSolution of Refugee Problem
The problem of asylum seekers and refugees is a global problem which sould be solved with global cooperation. All states in the world, especially developed […]
Devamını okuNew Year’s Eve
It was a cold and sunny day; the calendar marked the first day of December, Joseph was getting ready for work. Joseph’s father had died […]
Devamını okuDestiny of Women
Can you believe there are still over 130 million girls do not go to school today? Is not it mind-blowing? Not in every nation but […]
Devamını okuRedistributed Income
The problem of imbalance in income distribution in our daily lives has become an important problem to be focused on today due to the wrong […]
Devamını okuOpportunity Is About To Flee
Technologically advanced countries with low poverty and higher welfare levels have made great progress in space exploration. Space technology has been more advanced since the […]
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