Every person has different ways of studying and learning new things, some understand things by writing but some can learn by reading better. When […]
Devamını okuEtiket: lessons
The Power of Books
Yes, I agree with the idea that “A good book has the power to change the reader’s perspective on life.” Books allow people to see […]
Devamını okuSCHOOL
Every kid wants a school with a lot of games, but I believe we also need some lessons for education. In this school, I propose […]
All students want a school environment that suits them. For example, a school where there is no hard work, but fun and lots of activities. […]
If I could design my school environment, I would definitely overhaul the lesson program. While I do appreciate lessons, it’s no secret that they can […]
Devamını okuDREAM SCHOOL
At my school, I need to wake up at 6:30 a.m. Then I quickly do my skincare routine, eat breakfast, pack my bag, get dressed […]
Technology and education are different concepts. Technology has some effects on education. It has different effects, especially in children. It has both positive and negative […]
Devamını okuWhat Needs To Be Experienced
Art is very necessary for the development and development of a country. Art, in fact, is a heart that a country must constantly beat. If […]
Devamını okuFair
It is strange that everyone has different wishes for the new year. Money, happiness, love, health… Everyone gets into a different mood and expects good […]
Devamını okuPerceived Art
A country’s level of education can be known by the way they perceive art. Considering education only with knowledge-based classes is nothing but being close-minded. […]
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