Since I was young, I have always wanted to rule a city made of toys. Even to this day, I still have this urge. However, […]
Devamını okuEtiket: independence
The Biggest Treasure: Republic
29th October is the most crucial day, the anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Türkiye, a great victory achieved with strength and pain, […]
Devamını okuA Sun Rising in October
Republic… The fairest form of government or at least the one that appears to be so… It represents a culture for which countless lives have […]
Devamını okuGlorious History
29th of October, the proclamation of our republic is not just a date that symbolizes our independence as a nation, it is beyond borders and […]
Devamını oku100. Anniversary of Republic
The definition of republic in the dictionary is a form of government in which the people hold the government through their deputies. On the other […]
Devamını oku100 Years of Republic
For me, our Republic means our freedom, our history, our nation, our heroes and Most importantly, our Atatürk… The Republic is the […]
Devamını okuOur Independence
What is independence? Have you ever asked yourself how we gained our independence in Türkiye. Thanks to a great leader who we call Atatürk for […]
Devamını okuHistory Class
The end of october was coming close. It was a snowy day, a day full of cheer, snowball fights, snowmans and children laughter. Children were […]
Devamını okuSet Yourself Free
Discipline is freedom because it helps you to take your own steps. And I think that discipline is one of the most important characteristics a […]
Devamını okuThe Thoughts of Another
“What would others think of me?” What a redundant thought isn’t it? But yet none of us is able to do something without it crossing […]
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