The annual drama production at our school, titled “Echoes of Imagination,” took place on February 16th, 2024, in the school auditorium. The event was organized […]
Devamını okuEtiket: imagination
Correlation Between Imagination and Knowledge
A famous quote by Albert Einstein is, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”. Another famous quote this time by Thomas Edison is, “To invent, you […]
PART-I I stare at the horizon. A small line stops the beautiful sunset from blending into the ocean. But my life has barely had these […]
Devamını okuMy Day
When I woke up, I looked out the window as if I could tell the time by looking at the sky. The sky was light […]
Devamını okuTrying To Contain Infinity
Knowledge is everything. Literally anything you say anything you do is knowledge. Every thought of yours and every other thought… Knowledge is such a hard […]
Devamını okuMy Living Space
The world in my dream will be a green world; everything will be very cheap. In the world of my imagination, Harley Quinn will be […]
Devamını okuUpside Down
It was a rainy and gloomy day. I went on a picnic with my family and I was playing football with my dad. My grandparents […]
Devamını okuMysterious Door
I woke up on a sunny monday morning with a beautiful smile on my face. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked […]
Devamını okuAdam’s Strange Dream
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Adam. He was a typical 14 year old with a normal life. But there was a […]
Devamını okuMistakes Made In An Instant
It was my birthday today, but for some reason I wasn’t excited at all. I was living a very empty life. If I had the […]
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