I think social media is a powerful tool for helping people in need. Especially in recent years, there have been many campaigns on this issue. […]
Devamını okuEtiket: helping
Hello, my dear friends, I know you are familiar with my colorful and lively beauty, and today, I need your help. Many of our friends […]
Devamını okuHelping
On the earth there is 8 billion people living and half of them can be living life in very bad conditions, so some good people […]
Devamını okuHelping People
Helping is a behavior of high importance within society that continues and is practiced from the past to the present day. It means using one’s […]
Devamını okuA Magician with Peaceful Heart
If I were a magician, I would have gotten on stage with my magic hat and shown the audience that my magic hat was empty. […]
Devamını okuThe Most Important Things To Do
There are four important things to do in the world. The first thing is to be your own hero, not anybody else. Second thing is […]
Devamını okuSomeone Else’s Protagonist
My favorite protagonist is not an easy person. I don’t think he enjoys being a protagonist, even. If he were given the reins of his […]
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