Ben Lego temalı bir festival kurardım. Festivali Legonun ilk bulunduğu günde yapardım. Bir Lego restoran, dükkan ve Lego mühendislerinin çalıştıkları fabrikalar olurdu. Bu alanları tanıtmak […]
Devamını okuEtiket: DREAMS
Turning Potentiality from a Book into Actuality
Any good piece of idea or information has the potential to generate loads of impact on its receiver. The source of this information does not […]
Devamını oku10 years later
I love doing different experiments ever since I was a little boy. Because of these experiments, my mother is afraid to leave me alone at […]
Devamını okuThe School Of My Dreams
First of all, the school would start at 11:30 because it is so hard to get up early in the morning. Next, I would make […]
Devamını okuEverything Is Perfect Until The “Main Title” Starts
When you open your eyes, imagine yourself on a stage in the middle of a stadium, with about a hundred thousand people standing in front […]
Devamını okuA Dream That I Can’t Forget
Everyone experiences dreams while sleeping, but there are certain dreams that remain unforgettable. One such dream that lingers vividly in my memory occurred on a […]
Devamını okuThe Swimmers
The Swimmers is an awesome movie which is based on a true story. İt has creative plot, brilliant storytelling and characters whom plays important roles […]
Devamını okuOutcasts
Everyone lives for a purpose in this life.Some pursue academic success, while others pursue their childhood dreams.They didn’t give us this choice.On the day we […]
Devamını okuThe Next Part of Life: Adulthood
The part of our life called adulthood is full of surprises. One day you may experience the excitement of being on your own now, and […]
Devamını okuThe Life I Prefer
Life is a precious and fragile concept. It can last so little yet contain so much, so how and where you spend it is quite […]
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