Humanity is not innocent, the embodiment of evil changed multiple times but we all have a piece of it in the deep oceans of our […]
Devamını okuEtiket: children
Promoting Obesity
Marketing has long-term effects on children because eating habits and preferences during childhood tend to continue later on in their lives and the risk of […]
Devamını okuDown A Rabbit Hole
Little boy smiled at his father. Even though they had been working really hard all day long to cut and pack the woods to earn […]
In the schools of today, increasingly more accentuation is being put on youngsters’ psychological and scholarly limits. By and by, it is normally believed that […]
Devamını okuIQ Tests: Are They Really Effective?
Initially, Alfred Binet created IQ tests in 1905, to determine whether children were smart enough to benefit from schooling. Since Binet’s first assessments, IQ tests […]
Are you the only child in your family? It is said that the number of siblings affects person’s academic success in a positive and […]
Devamını okuEducation’s Importance in Family
Each new generation is the future of a nation. Every child is the beating heart of a motherland. Shouldn’t children take necessary discipline, if they […]
Devamını okuWhy educating future parents are crucial?
Why educating future parents are crucial? and “Why parents are important?” There comes a question to our mind:”What do parents have to do for their […]
Devamını okuHeal The World
There are some special days that are important and needed to be known by all the people in the world. These days are crucial because […]
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