So, you have decided that you want to live in a farm. Exotic choice if I do say so myself. There are so many other […]
Devamını okuEtiket: business
Working with Groups
The Ringelmann effect is the tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases. Some […]
Devamını okuOne Note, One Suprise
I woke up to the depressive darkness of a rainy day in the morning. I yawned and stretched for a bit of a time and […]
Devamını okuChallenges are to be faced while developing!
The official definition of “globalization” is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.More simply, […]
Devamını okuLooking For The Harmony
Imagine that you are an employer in the sector that you dreamed of, what would be your criteria for successful employee recruitment? There are […]
Devamını okuMy Money, My İnvestment
In our modern world, money became one of the most important things in our lives. We use bills and coins every day in order to […]
Devamını okuRecruitment of Creativity
It is not easy to invest a great amount of your money into a business, is it? The only difference between gambling and investing your […]
Hello, dear readers. Today I’m back with a discussion question again: “You have received a large amount of money. Take a step towards the job […]
Devamını okuA NEW HOPE
We know that the world needs our help. One of the main problems is that people don’t get the chance to make their ideas come […]
Devamını okuYabancı Sermaye ve Firma
Dünyamız,20.yüzyılda büyük bir değişime girmiştir.Bu değişim;kültürel,sosyal,ekonomik vb. birçok alanda kısa sürede yayılarak günümüzdeki şeklini almıştır.Bu değişimin adı küreselleşmedir.Küreselleşme;ürünlerin, fikirlerin, kültürlerin ve dünya görüşlerinin alış verişinden […]
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