Stranger or Sister

 Sister. What does that word mean to you? A friend you can trust with your whole heart or your supporter no matter what happens, which one? For me it is neither of them. But I did not choose this. I was forced. I was forced to grow up without a sister.

 As you can understand I have a sister. We have different mothers but still we share a dad. So, she is my sister. Some of my friends say that she is my half-sister or my stepsister. But I don’t agree with this. I have always considered her as my sister.

 This can sound awkward, but I met her when I was 6 years old. We spent time together when I was younger but then she stopped coming to our home. So, we finally met when I was 6. The only thing I clearly remember about that day is she didn’t talk with me, not even a little bit, not even at all. She didn’t even say something like “Hi, how are you?”. And I was expecting her to hug me. It sounds so ridiculous now.

 As a result of our situation with our mothers we grew up apart and we didn’t see each other for another 6 years. Then suddenly we became so close. She started university at the school that my father teaches. So, we used to see each other nearly every day. She used to come to my school to pick me up and we went on dinners 3 days of the week. Everything was so perfect. I finally had my sister back.

 But of course, like every good thing, this relationship ended when my sister graduated. It was a normal weekend. When I looked in through the window, the whole family was sitting around the table, eating and talking. All of a sudden she showed up and started to yell at my father. She said that he didn’t do anything for their relationship and basically he abandoned her. But that was not true. He worked so hard for her education and not for only the college part, for her whole academic life.

 These days in our family my sister is not a topic to talk about anymore. She was there in a little part of my life and now she isn’t. My father says that she did this because she didn’t need him and his money anymore. Also, her mother probably encouraged her to do that, he says. I think he still loves and cares about her so much but she really hurt him. So, he pretends he has only one daughter now.

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