Stop Child Labor

There should be deterrent sanctions for workplaces that employ child labor. Do you think this is a correct view? Of course, it is! Let me explain.

There is even a project established for this problem, that is, to stop child labor. Its name is IPEC, established by the ILO. The main purpose of the IPEC project is to find a solution to this serious problem in the world and eliminate this problem. According to ILO research, 250 million children in the 5-14 age group are working in the world. It is also estimated that 283 million children in the 12-17 age group cannot attend school because they are working. But why do workplaces want to employ child labor? The main reason why children are preferred by small workplaces is that these workplaces are mostly unregistered and of course there are severe penalties for employing child labor.

According to a draft law to be submitted to the Prime Minister’s Office in the coming days, employers who employ child laborers under the age of 15 in heavy work will be fined 1 billion liras for each child worker they employ if they employ child laborers again after a warning. There is even a law on this issue: Article 71 of the Labor Law No. 4857 on “Age of employment and prohibition of employing children”.

So, there should be no such thing as child labor. Also, even if a child wants to work, his/her parents should not allow it because until the child is 18 years old, the decisions are made by the mother or father.

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