Still Promising

These days, people mostly think that the job of doctors will be over, that robots will replace doctors. They think that engineering is the profession of the future and that studying engineering is more meaningful and logical. I, personally, have witnessed a person who thinks like this. He told me that there was no point in studying medicine, that robots made by engineers would take over my job in the future. I don’t believe in that and I would rather to be a doctor and touch human life.

Inventions made by engineers work very well for doctors, but in order to make that invention, they need to work with a doctor and get their opinion. Engineers are not taught human anatomy, or how they can cure what disease. Therefore, it is not possible for them to invent an invention in the name of medicine without the help of a doctor. Doctors’ only job is not to prescribe medicine or to undergo surgery. There are millions of doctors who dedicate themselves to laboratories and try to find cures for incurable diseases and try to uncover the unknown about the human body. And mostly engineers are doing something about these studies. This part is one of the biggest factors in my preference to be a doctor; to make discoveries in the name of medicine and to help humanity, and perhaps find solutions to the diseases that afflict millions of people.

Technologies made and produced by engineers help all humanity. we have to give their rights in this regard that medicine is developing day by day with the technologies they have designed. But as I said, I like the medicine part more in making these inventions. At the same time, an engineer does not witness the part of how his invention helps a person, but doctors touch their lives by using that invention and it is miraculous to see how the help they give to the calls for help affects that patient.

As a result, unlike the people around me, I think that studying medicine is still promising. If successful doctors do not come out of a generation, engineers cannot invent something in the name of medicine. Medicine is not dying because of technology is developing, on the contrary medicine is developing because technology is developing.

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