Steps Of Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone

I want you to wonder a world that you don’t need to hard work anything for self-improvement or earn money. You are completely relexed and you don’t need to do something because everything is easy. There are rich people everywhere and you are rich too. It sounds good but when you think deeply, then not so much.

When people dont’t get out of their comfort zones they can’t improve in any type of real work or serious job. For example, if you want a better look then you have to start doing sports or if you want better grades in your school life then you have to study lessons. So, if you want to be  better in something that you really want then you have to get out of your comfort zone. Nothing good is easy in real life and this is what makes it special. If doing a good thing is easy then everyone earns it. In short, No pain no gain.

“Don’t pray an easy life.” I have always admired this sentence. This sentence gives me motivation every time I remember. It reminds me that I have to work for my greatest goals. You can do this too. If you are lack of motivation to start a serious job that you want, you can find this type of motivating sentences. Also, motivation is not sufficient. Dicipline is necessary too. Also, Dicipline is more important than motivation. Motivation allows you to start, diciplin allows you to finish.

Dwayne Johnson is a really good example for this topic. He is an actor and he is a bodybuilder. Also he is good at many sports and he pushed  himself so much to get out of his comfort zone. His morning routine is also requires self dicipline and it is so hard for a person. He wakes up at 5 am, then he makes morning cardio immediately. After that he will have his breakfast. He eates 5 meals a day. After eating his diet type meals, he does his training routine which is so hard. So, he is a self diciplined guy.

I believe that the real success is not to achieve something. The real success is the things you do to achieve your goals. As someone I respect also said “It’s not over until I win.”




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