It was an ordinary night. The clock was showing twelve. I was looking at the sky again, as everybody knows that i watch the sky every night before i go to sleep. There was a bright star at the sky that night. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it, i dont know why. It was shining really bright that my eyes started to hurt after a while. That night something felt really strange. I didn’t care and went to sleep.
Next morning when i woke up, cold sweat was running down my face. I got scared and i tried to remember what happened last night. Suddenly, it hit. It was my dream. In my dream, i saw someone’s life story in a short version of a film. What was different was that I saw it inside a star while looking at it. There was a name that is in my head without any reason. “Laura”. I was feeling strange. Finally when i look to the clock, it was showing 7 a.m. I need to leave home with in thirty minutes because i had to get to school. I tried to forget what happened a while ago and i started to get ready. I was trying to hurry but my head felt dizzy.
When i get to school, i saw my best friend Catherine. She seemed really devastated. ” You seem really sad, are you okay?” I asked. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears and said, ” A friend of mine since nine years passed away last night in her sleep.” I asked her name immediately.”Laura” she said while crying. I was in shock. It was the name that is in my head since the morning.
The school finished and i got home. All day, Laura was in my head. Later that day, at night, i tried to find the bright star but it was gone. The name appeared in my head one more time. Laura. I suddenly realized what was going on. The dream that i saw last night, it was Laura’s life. She is dead now. Her soul turned into a star. All night long, i tried to find my own star but there was nothing until 2 months passed away. 2 months later i finally found my own star and i saw all the events that would happen to me. Even more, my star was warning me in my dreams. After all, i am living my life with cautions. Thanks to the star of my soul.