Star Souls

I could have never believed that my dreams were real. They were repeating over and over again, but I thought it was just a coincidence.

I never looked up at the sky; I would find the unknown space scary. But those repeating nightmares of the stars were different. It felt like one star was calling me; every time I saw one of those dreams, I would hear my name again and again, but I could never reach its source.

These dreams ended the day I faced my biggest fear. The day I looked up at the sky and wondered. I looked at each of them, trying to find the source of the sounds but I couldn’t. I gave up.

Suddenly, I heard someone saying my name, just like in my dreams. When I looked up again, I realised that the stars were shifting. And I heard my name again, but this time it was clear and it was coming from right behind me.

I turned around and saw a pretty woman with a beautiful sparkling dress, just like a star. She held my hand and started flying like she was a part of the air. We flew among the stars, seeing each of them one by one, until I started to realise that the sky wasn’t that scary at all.

We stopped next to a cloud. She sat down, and so did I. She started speaking to me, telling me everything. She said that every star is the soul of a human, and she was mine. To find our stars, we should face our biggest fears.

She asked me if I wanted to go with her on more wonderful journeys to discover more about my soul. This flight was just the beginning of these adventures. I said yes, and since then I have been going on amazing adventures with her. And after all the things I learnt about the stars, I still wonder about them.

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