Spes was a little cloud that was a small cloud that was joyful and creative. Even though he was small he wanted to use his ability to fly to find a way to home. When he was told that he was to weak and small he was demotivated by his comrades Timor and Desperatio. Timor and Desperatio are very big compared to Spes. As night was falling Spes decided just to go to sleep and hoped that he was caried by the wind to somewhere far from his mean comrades.
When he woke up, he wasn’t in his fluffy, white cloud body. He felt immediately frightened because he was in a dark, moist clouds body. It was a rain cloud. When he realized that he was in a rain clouds body he started screaming, “HELP ME I’M STUCK!” over and over, his voice growing more desperate with each cry. His eyes faded in darkness. He realized it was just a nightmare. He started roaming around and then he saw a cloud. It was a big, white cloud. Spes had heard about a big, white and wise cloud before but he thought that it was just a legend. When Spes said:
“Sorry mister where am I?”
“Pripiyat, Ukrain.”
“And who are you? Said while shivering.”
“I am a cloud.”
“No not like that, you’re name.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because i am curious.”
“Thats none of your business”
“Sapiens, your name is Sapiens.
“If you knew my name, why did you ask?”
“I was not sure.”
“Alright now since I answered your question its my turn to ask.” Said the Wise Cloud Sapiens.
“If you were a cloud, what would you do?”
“I’m already a cloud stupid.”
“ANSWER.” said loudly.
“If I were a cloud I would destroy all rain clouds.”
After this they both immediately warped into a desert with cloudy weather. The wise cloud asked him:
“Do you see those clouds over there?”
“What are they doing.”
“They are trying to close the sun and lower the light levels so the people don’t get sun burns.
“Fair enough” it was not the answer he waited but it worked. They warped again. This time into a rain forest.
“What do you see?”
“I see some rain clouds.”
“Do you know their job?”
“What is it?”
“To protect both me, you and every living thing in this world.”
“Don’t be stupid how can some rain clouds do that.”
“Water is key for life. The real question is why do you hate them.” Spes really did not have a answer for this.”
“Ummm, I don’t know.”
“If you don’t know you should not hate them or hate anyone. If you promise me i will let you go free.”
“Yes, I promise.”
After this the wise cloud warped him back to his home. After the things that he went through he was never the same. Now Spes was a cloud that would show love to everyone.