Sometimes the Sloution is in the Savagery

Savagery, fight and blood. These three things have always been a part of our world and they are still a part of it. That’s just how life is I guess. Always chaotic and messy. But, yeah real world is always a mess but who said that the dream world can’t be a mess? Well in my dream, or should I say nightmare, the world was a mess too. I saw that nightmare when I was really young. We’ve been to a holiday when I was pretty young and to be honest, that dream is one of the only things I remember from the vacation.

The nightmare started in my old house. I was sitting on our couch with my sister, with our computer infront of us. We were scrolling in YouTube, trying to find a video to watch. Then I saw a video, and when I was about to click on it my sister suddenly said, “Don’t click on that video! I watched it a while ago and it was so bad.” Of course I didn’t listen to her and clicked the video to annoy her.

That’s were all the chaos started.

I suddenly got teleported to a diffrent world, without my sister. I was all alone. But then, I saw the TV characters I used to watch when I was a child. They came to me slowly, with a mix of upset and scared expression on their faces. One of them came close to me, and said:

“I suggest you find somewhere to hide. There is a monster, a dangerous and creepy monster coming here lately.” I didn’t even know what was going on, but I was terrified. My body was feeling weird, it felt so creeped out. But I still hid one of the cars that were in the dream.

Then I heard it.

The large, loud and strong steps. The monster was roaring extremely loud, and every time he took a step, it terrified me ten times more. He smashed the car right infront of me, I was holding my breath for my life. I was of course in a dream, but I didn’t know that. I didn’t want to die.

It sure was a long night, but it finally ended after a long time. I slowly got up and looked around me with a traumatized face. Then the characters showed up again. I was waiting them to say it was finally over and I could finally be free. But they said the absolute otherwise:

“You were lucky yesterday, but he knows your place now.” I didn’t even say anything, I just knew it was the end for me. But I still try to hid, hoping that he wouldn’t find me.

Well, of course he did.

I was hiding with no hopes inside my heart when he crashed the car I was hiding behind. That’s when everything went more downhill. I suddenly got teleported to a place that was quite far away from the car. That was the time I saw something interesting. I was not alone. All of the people I’ve ever known was in the dream, trying to escape the monster. But there was one thing. We were running in slow motion and the monster was pretty fast.

When I finally ran away to a safe place, I started to think. “How can I, well we, escape from this place?” That’s when I remembered; I clicked a video on the computer. So to escape it, I had to find my computer!

I got out of the safe place and started to look around. That’s when I’ve seen it: the computer. My eyes started to shine, all I got to do was to run to the computer and stop this mess! But of course, it didn’t happen. Because the monster crashed the computer.

That was the time when I woke up. I remember I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night.

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