Solving Arranged Confusion

Life is a chaotic order. No one had understood this arrangement yet. Although everything in life has harmony, it is really hard to get the confusion in this harmony. And even if we can’t solve this, we exist. But why, why do we exist? Why do people exist in life? If everything in life has a purpose, we should have a purpose to get in life too. Maybe if everything in life has order and harmony, people may have it too. But it sounds weird that we do not know about it if we have these. Because if we knew about our purposes, we would try to live according to that plan. Because we don’t know, people can only question about it. But it’s obvious that questioning is not our purpose. People are questioning since they exist, so if it were our purpose, we would find out it many years ago but we still arguing about that. That’s why I think questioning life is a part of our aim, not the whole. 
In my opinion, the meaning of life may be finding our purposes and reflecting this on life, in this complicated arrangement. And because humans are the only living things with free will, most of the responsibility for this may be on us. But of course, this is difficult for humans too. To reflect our purposes, we need to find it first. 
People’s purposes may depend on their own and learning ours can begin with learning our character. It is because if we don’t know ourselves well we can’t learn anything well either. The reason I think that people’s aims may depend is every person is different. Everyone has different abilities and these abilities have different arrangements. So it feels not right that everyone has the same purpose for me. People should wait to learn themselves because it may change over time. So; if you’re not patient, you won’t find your purpose. And if you’re not being kind or lovely, and if you’re not looking positive in life, there is a big possibility that you won’t be successful in the future. But these two behaviors don’t look like it is specific for anyone. So, I think we need to learn how to be patient and positive in life first, these are the main things we should learn.
  That’s why I think the purpose of humanity is especially to learn how to be kind and patient to each other. After learning that, we should have a main purpose in life and reflect this aim to life. When we do this, we can understand the meaning of life more clearly. Finding the confusion in your life and trying to solve it/them

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