Silly Me!

It was a lovely day. I woke up at 6 in the morning to start the day with a fresh coffee. Unfortunately we were out of coffee so I dressed up to get some. Luckily the grocery was not that far to our home. I grabbed some coffee from the grocery and headed to home. Guess what, I ran out of gas. The nearest gas station was too far to go with bare foot so I decided to go to my home to get my wifes car.



It took me too long to realise that I was walking the wrong direction. I just wanted to have a freash coffe but look at this situation right now. The road was dead empty so I couldn’t ask anybody for a drive. I decided to call my wife but my phone was dead and I had no idea about her phone number. When I took out my phone from my pocket, I touched a paper. I found a piece of paper in my pocket that said “Call me now!”. On the crumbled paper, the last digit was erased and a number wass written on. I knew it was my wifes number but the last digit was the mystery. I walked back to the grocery to use the mans phone to call the number.



After a 10 minute walk I was at the grocery. I ask the mans phone to callthe number. I tried every number for that mysterious digit. At number 7, my wife answered the phone saying “I made coffee, why don’t you come and drink with me?”. I said that I was out of gas and my phone was dead.



She came to the grocery to pick me up. We both laughed to the situation that I threw myself into. This was a long morning. I just wished to get a fresh coffee to start the day but what was that I have just witnessed. We drank our coffe while watching Avatar 2. That film was endless, it took 16 coffee to finish. We had a wonderful afternoon. I took my wifes car to get some gas for my car. I went to the gas station and head back to the grocery to gas up my car but there was a problem, there were two cars which needed to go to home and I was the only driver who can that one of the cars to home. I drove to home and picked up my wife to get the other car. After all of this, the day was over. Silly me.

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