Possessing extreme amount of wealth is like signing a contract for a lifetime which could lead to chaotic consequences.Signing this contract could make your life such easier that it can grant you any wish you like (expect immortalitly).As long as you are a decent lunatic you can still know that you cant have absurd wishes.But besides the absurd wishes you can nearly buy happiness with the money you have.Money is the most powerfull thing on this planet.Because most of the people worship money as their god.As a result they become a slave of money.So,if you have enough wealth you can get in to people’s mind and manipulate them as you wish.But there is always dark in light.Most of the richest people lose their control and put money over everything.”The money you have gives you freedom;the money you pursue enslaves you.”As Jean Jacques Rousseau said.This quote briefly explains the money’s effect on people.Besides having remarkable wealth lets talk about possessing remarkable fame.Fame and wealth is something everyone can request but not a thing everyone can get a hold of.Possessing extraordinary amount of fame leads to having wealth.And having sensational amount money leads to being famous.So,in the end you can have them both while having one.But the fame is a dangerous thing.You can get yourself killed.There will be fans and there will be haters aswell.With being famous you will probably have no privacy in your whole life beacuse everyone will be curious about what you do,where have you been etc…Being famous is a difficult thing as we can observe.Famous people’s kids go to private school or go to school via zoom.Because they know well that their kids will be in huge pressure.Imagine constantly being asked to meet meet your mom or dad who is famous.It would just make the kid go insane after a while.So to sum up having wealth and fame could lead to good results if is under control.
Signing a Contract For Life
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