Short-time Prodigy

I was feeling fatigued when I arrived home late at night. I was overworked to pay my bills, but it was horrible. I regret working for this company, but I can’t find a new job, so I need to work there. Then I slept like a baby.
I woke up to a nice Saturday morning. I was free because it is the weekend, so we don’t have to go to work. I made a filling breakfast which was delicious also. Then I wanted to listen to some classic music. I started listening but then guess what. I could name any notes in the music! That was crazy, at first, I couldn’t believe that was real, so I got to check whether that is true or false. When I opened the piano sheet all of them were correct. I was nervous if I could play any instruments. So, I need to check that.
I called my musician friend and said “I’ve gone crazy, I can’t believe that just happened. I think I am a music prodigy!” he asked me to come to his place. He tested me with notes and other stuff and said, “When you first say that you became a music prodigy, I thought you were joking but now I think you are really a prodigy.” I was feeling kind of good, but I was feeling bad because I did nothing to become a prodigy. But then I asked myself all others became like me in one night so what’s the point to be nervous about that?
After I find out that I am a prodigy. I wanted a new job as a pianist, so I applied to some jobs and one of them accepted so I started working here. I became popular and day by day I became more popular. My fans really liked my piano skills. I started a new YouTube channel as well. I was earning much more than in my previous job I was very happy with my skills.

Everything was going well but after one night I forgot everything I know. I couldn’t play any songs now. After the lack of content my fans thought I was doing playback and my fans lost respect for me and I started becoming less popular and all of my fans are now my haters. And my life goes on but worse than my first job.

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