Seeing the Future or Changing the Past?

Would you rather have the ability to see the future or change the past? It’s a question that made people think deeply about it for centuries. And the thing is that, it doesn’t even have a objective answer. It may have a million answers according to what people think. And all answers have their pros and cons. That’s why it is all about personal opinions. So let’s get to see my answers.

To me, if you had the ability to see the future, you would have the ability to know what events will happen. You can be prepared for them and that helps you to avoid upcoming harmful events. You could make prepared decisions about your career, relationships, and all the other things about your life. You could also use your knowledge about future to help others, you can warn them about upcoming harmful events. You can even use this financially an sell your knowledge about future for money. However, seeing the future might not always be a blessing. It is about knowing what harm will happen to you. Imagine knowing the exact the that you will die, or knowing that you will never reach your dreams. This is why knowing everything in future can be very frustrating. And it may also be difficult to enjoy the present time knowing what events will happen. And there is also the ethical question about using your knowledge about future for the bad of people.

But, if you had the ability to change the past, you could potentially change the events in history. You could prevent wars, genocides and other tragedies from happening. You could also change your own history. You can fix the mistakes of your past. Making yourself in present a much more faultless version of you. However, changing the past can cause some weird stuff to happen in present. Your actions in the past can have unknown effects on the present timeline. While trying to to fix the past, you could actually create new problems in the present. Also, it is possible that changing the past would change who you are as a person in present. That is because your experiences and memories shape your identity. You may not be the same person that you are today, if some specific events in your past happened differently.


In conclusion, it is really difficult to say which ability is better than the other. Both options have their pros and cons, and it is up to you, to decide which one is better and much more worth to choose. This question is a question that can have million different answers and changes from person to person.

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