Seeing the Future or Changing the Past

Do you think it is better to be able to see the future or to change the past? To be able to answer this question, we need to know if we can use these abilities more than once or just for one time. I will be discussing both of the situations and I will be trying to give the most logical answer to this question for you.

I think these are very important questions because if we cannot change the past as much as we want, we may not be able to predict what kind of results it will have in the future when we change the past once. So we need to take the risk. If we can change the past as much as we want, after changing the past once, we have the option to see how it will result in the future and change the past again. So if we change the past and there are bad consequences in the future, we can either revert the past and fix our future, or we have the option to try other possibilities and change our past.

It is also important to see the future as much as we want. If we can only see the future once, this feature may not be very useful. For example, let’s see the future once and see that something bad happens in the future, we may not know exactly what we need to do to fix the future. In this case, in order to improve the future, we must also know how the things we do will have consequences in the future. For example, let’s see that our future is not what we want and take some steps to fix it. When we implement these steps, if we look to the future one more time and see what kind of results these steps have, we can act accordingly. Because we can’t know for sure what kind of results the steps we take will have. The steps we have taken may have made our future worse or may have made our future exactly what we wanted.

I would choose the option to change history, assuming we can use these features more than once. Because when I have an impact on my past, I can shape my future as I want. For example, let me change my past and see what consequences it will have in the future. If these results are not what I want, I can immediately change the history and try something else. Here I can shape my future without wasting any time.

In short, assuming that we can use these features more than once, the option to change the history is the most logical answer to this question.

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