I was reading a book about World War 2. When I got to page 120, there was a handwritten number. I was confused, but I kept reading. After I finished the book, I continued my day. But it was lingering in my head for the next few days. After thinking about it for so long, I decided to text the number with the following words: “Hi, I got this number from a book, who is this?”. I felt a bit better after I texted it, and I forgot about it for a month. Until the number replied back. The mysterious number replied as follows: “WW2 book, is that right?”. I answered positively. And the number responded to meet with him at a cafe. I told my family members that if anything bad happened, they would know. I came a bit early from the set time.

An old man comes into the cafe, but despite his old age, he could walk perfectly and was in  great shape. After a bit of small talk, he claimed to be a wizard. I laughed at him, saying that wizards don’t exist. Because of what I said, the wizard got a little frustrated and told me to come with him. He showed proof that he was actually a wizard and demonstrated his abilities. After he was finished, he said, “You are someone special. You are blood with a clan that is known for its members to achieve inhumane abilities and accomplish inhumane feats.”


I was shocked, of course, and I almost fainted after he said, “You can learn all of those abilities I showed you. Come to the cafe exactly at the same time in a month’s time. We will talk more. Until we meet again!” he said, after which he slowly faded out. And 15 days later, I was in a car crash that almost ended my life. I couldn’t walk, so I had to go there in a wheelchair. I waited for 1, 2, and even three hours, but the man was not there. Rumors surfaced that the man was found and killed, apparently. A robber broke into my neighbor’s house and killed them. I had one last hope to see the wizard, so I called him. To my surprise, the rumors were fake. He was hiding from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and hoped I would call him.

I heard some footsteps this night. I was just about to call the cops until I realized a familiar face; it was the wizard. He healed me and deleted all the memories about the car crash and my relatives.

Before he faded away, he said, “We’ll meet again, but this time you will be older and mature. You will live a fulfilling life until the age of 100. And that same night you turn 100, I will come back and teach you the ways.” And soon after, he faded.

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