Scream 1

The most recent movie I watched is “Scream 1”. Firstly, I would like to start off by saying that I absolutely fell in love with the franchise due to its depth with characters such as Sindy and Dewey, the plot didn’t revolve around Sindy all the time, who is the main character, and I like that about a film because what makes the film a film is the side characters, in my opinion obviously. Also, the review contains a ton of spoilers for the first movie so if you’re planning to watch, I wouldn’t recommend you read it.

To start off with the first movie, the first scene that we get is with a character named Casey Becker and her boyfriend Steve Orh getting killed by one of our killers, Stu Matcher. In my opinion, as someone who cannot be in the sight of blood, this scene was not goory enough and what I mean by that is yes there was indeed blood, but just not enough. Unfortunately, this problem doesn’t end until the end of the movie.

To continue with our other killer of the first Scream movie, Billy Loomis. If you ever watched Scream, you’ll know how out-off-mind he is. When I was watching the relationship between him and Sidney at first sight, I liked it but after he went to jail for a single night, he went mad at Sidney, being toxic and very manipulative towards her and others such as Stu. A big part of the watchers enjoyed his character but as someone who watched all of the Scream movies at least 50 times, I can say that Billy is a hundred per cent the worst character someone could have written.

For last, I would recommend this series if you haven’t watched it yet!

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