Saving Our Planet

Global warming has progressed too far today and will have serious consequences in the future. In the early days of our world, there was no global warming, but as the world developed and the population increased, it began to progress. Whatever happens to the nature in which we live and of which we are a part of will happen to us. Climate change and loss of biodiversity are among the biggest problems we have faced for years. Glaciers are melting and polar bears are dying, trees are decreasing, the water level is rising. We can avoid this if we perform some simple tasks.

  • Recycle paper and do not use paper in vain.

  • Reduce plastic consumption and focus on glass usage.

  • Use bicycles or electric cars instead of cars that consume fuel.

  • Increase green spaces in cities.

  • Plant lots of trees.

We are the future owners of this world, so let’s give importance to this information and take care of the world. If we do these things, we will be happy in the future.

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