Hello! This weekend, my friend Sarp invited me to his party. I had three questions on my mind:
- What am I wearing?
- What should I bring for him?
- Will there be people I don’t know?
My mom and I quickly decided what to do. Then, we went to the shopping center and picked out a gift for him before heading to the party. There were many kids I didn’t know. When I saw Sarp, I gave him his gift, and we started playing, but I didn’t know the other children. I introduced myself to them, and we played games together. I was happy because I liked Sarp’s friends. Then we ate hamburgers and went to have cake. We sang a song and enjoyed the cake.
When the party was over, we went home. At first, I thought it would be very boring since I didn’t know the other children, but we had a lot of fun!
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