Sanctions For Child Labor

İn this century we all do the things that doesn’t makes sense for us. Then why are we doing them? What’s the benefit side for us? We do it because of our laziness. İn this technological century we are all in our most lazy times. We even cannot go to place (even if it is so near) without our cars. Or we are doing them because of the money. Because of with the money you could do anything, most of us do everything for money. What if innocent children somehow got involved in a think for money and convenience? Could we just close our eyes and pretend like we didn’t do or see it? Would we be comfortable with the knowledge of it?

Sadly, there is a realistic part of the life that hurts. İn that part of the life the little kid even the ones that 10 yer old or smaller sent to the harsh, unknown, illegal work places. They are sent by their own famillies. Their lovingly trusted families. İf a familly needs money the only way is to find it shouldn’t be sending their kids to the places which is not safe to work. They will work for their lifes. Does it makes sense? Then, why are we doing it or why are we letting people to do it? Why are we not trying to do somethink? Are we afraid of the big bussinesses which lets the kids to work because of they are easy to control, easy to find and easy to handle if you don’t pay money?  If we are not doing anythink to stop it or if we are not trying to do somethink than the answer is yes. A big yes to being afraid of those kind of bussinesses.

There was a quote by Alexis Herman. It was: “If we can’t begin to agree on fundamentals, such as the elimination of the most abusive forms of child labor, then we really are not ready to march forward into the future.” If our answer to fear does not change from yes to no as soon as possible and we cannot make fines mandatory as a result of child labor, then we are ready to regress, not move forward.

İn conclusion if we want to move forward and if we want to make some changes than we shouldn’t be afraid of anyone and we must do the think that makes us sense not the think that we do because of we need somethink. And we mustn’t do anythink that forces us or forces anyone else. If sanctions will solve everything, then our solution should be to impose sanctions for bussinesses that employ child labor.


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