
Once again, I’m sitting on the very same rooftop of the school everyone despises me in, skipping classes. All alone.


I used to have friends, at least I think I did. My inventions and ‘intelligence’ seemed to dazzle my classmates in the past, but as I grew older and more ideas I shared for the shows I wanted to present, which were considered dangerous, perhaps deadly dangerous to my classmates; they grew distant and more distant from me. Started calling me a weirdo, freak, loner… Anything bad they could think of.


Whenever I began to skip classes, my teachers tried to persuade me into coming back. Besides, I didn’t have a reason to go back to class, my grades were always high whether I was present or not; so, eventually, the teachers gave up on trying to persuade me. Not that I complain about it, makes my life easier, well, can’t say the same for my attendance record, but I can’t worry about that now.


I forcefully stopped the train of thoughts to focus on what was in front of me.


“Okay… So, this wire goes here and this thereeee… and if I screw that in— and we’re done!”


I look at my creation… I finally finished it; everything seems perfect about it. Now that is done, it should be the end of schooling hours.

I checked my phone as I thought that…

There are still a few hours left.

 Now that I have nothing to tinker with, its going to be a hell waiting for school to end…

Ughh, besides sharing my creations with shows on the street, I wish I had someone with me, so that I could share these all the time… This loneliness won’t change anytime soon though, so I’m wasting my beliefs on a false hope. I sighed and closed my eyes, facing the sky.


I heard a creak from the rooftop door and slowly opened my eyes as I tilted my head. Hopefully, it wasn’t another hall monitor that is going to tell me that I should head to class since lunch break ended not long ago.

But that prediction of mine was shut down quickly as I saw a blonde with peach tinted ends at his hair looking down.

My eyes followed, as they shut the door and walked in. They slowly rose their head and there was a momentary eye contact, quickly averting their eyes as they saw me. There was a pained look in their eyes ever since the moment they walked in.


O-oh I’m sorry… I didn’t know there was someone up here already…

They kind of mumbled the last part but I heard it anyway.

“It’s alright, we could share the rooftop if you’d like. It’s not like I own it anyway.”

They hummed as in agreement and sat on a corner, a corner that is away from me as much as possible. They must’ve heard the rumors going around about me.




Well… This is awkward. Usually, I’d have something to busy myself with whenever similar events happened, which is incredibly rare; but I already finished what I was working on and that was the only thing I could snuck in while avoiding the gaze of the hall monitors.

Maybe I can disassemble the drone and remake it…

So, um… What brings you here?”

Oh. He talked. Talked to me. That’s unusual.

His expression started shifting from a welcoming smile to an awkward one slowly. Only then did I notice I was staring at him wide eyed, silently. I cleared my throat and stared somewhere else that was not him.



But then, an idea hit me.


“…well actually I have been here for a while, working on this… drone.”

The misery he had on his face suddenly disappeared and turned into a frown, so quickly that it almost took me by surprise.

WHAT—?! Wh— Huh. you… How did even— How did you even bring all THAT stuff in?!?”

“Oh? I thought you already noticed it the moment you walked in here but chose to ignore it.”


Ow… my ears…

“If you keep yelling like that the entire school is going to know I snuck that i—”


“You’re not helping…”

“AH— SORRY UM… It’s not my intention to get you in trouble… ANYWAY, Seriously though!! How did you sneak that thing in?!”

“Is that that the only ‘thing’ you’re curious about?

“Well um… It sure does look interesting. It’s nothing like the drones I’ve ever seen in my life before, how does that even fly, it also looks heavier than an usual drone. It is a drone right? You said it was a drone.”

He looks so cute when he sounds unsure.

“Yes yes. It is a drone.”

I chuckle.

“If you’re unsure whether it would fly or not, would you like to give a try driving it?”




“I’m joking, of course you can.”

Their eyes seemed like they were sparkling after they got my approval for a second time. Geniunely excited to try it out. Then suddenly I remembered the wish I thought of not long before I stumbled upon, no, more like he stumbled upon me; and thought, maybe that’s not as far from me as I expected it to be.

My gaze stays still,staring into their eyes as they landed off the drone with remote in their hand and feel the same shine they have on their eyes reflect upon mine like the moon reflecting the sun.

Forgetting any other star I know of in this galaxy and  pretending I’m the moon and this boy as the sun, the only and brightest star I know of, at least for today.

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