Ringlemann Vs. Our Grandfathers

What is the Ringelmann Effect?

-Ringlemann effect says “If the number of the group members increase in a group, the group members will be less productive”. Because Max Ringlemann thought that if more group members enter the task, they’ll think their effort is not very good.

Is Our Grandfathers Right?

-Our “grandgrandfathers” said “Teamwork makes the dreamwork.”, but does Max Ringlemann is right or our grandfathers? Our grandfathers tried to mention that teamwork makes the task easier. Also, we can see this examples in our life.

Why I think Max Ringlemann is right?

I think Mr. Ringlemann is right because sometimes, when the group members in our group increases, I feel stressed because there is too many people and I think that I’m doing nothing and I feel unworthy with this. This makes me decrease my performance too.

Is Teamwork Bad? 

Of course not!  Opposite of it, there is things we can’t make without teamwork. For example, if there wasn’t any teamwork, computers, cars, TVs wouldn’t exist. Because in factories, they use teamwork to produce cars, TVs etc.

Who Is Right?

Max Ringelmann and our grandfathers has a point. Actually, Max is not saying teamwork is bad. He just mentions too many people in a group makes the group members stressed.


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