Ringelmann Effect or the Saying?

Ringelmann effect is the tendency for individual members of a group to become increasingly less productive as the size of their group increases. In 1913, Ringelmann discovered that when members of a group worked together on a task, it led to significantly less effort on their part than when individual members acted alone.

We also have a saying that is opposite to the Ringelmann effect, which is “Two heads are better than one”. It means that when the size of the group (number of members) increases, the productivity increases.

For me and what I experienced in group activities, It depends on who the group members are. You can be in a group with people who don’t care and just wait for you to finish the whole thing but also you can be in a group with people who really want to participate and help you. In the first situation we can tell that Ringelmann effect is true and in the second situation we can say the opposite.

I actually think when I do something or a project individual I plan it better, I do it more productive and I do it better. So in conclusion, I think doing individually is more productive but we can say that both Ringelmann effect and saying is true depending on some variables.

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