Rewiew on the show “Dexter”

“Dexter” is a crime drama series that explores complex themes of morality and justice. The show follows Dexter Morgan, played by Michael C. Hall, who works as a blood-spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Homicide Desk. However, he lives a secret life as a vigilante serial killer, targeting those who escape justice.

One of the show’s strengths is its ability to create tension and suspense. Each episode reveals more about Dexter’s character, making viewers question right and wrong. His relationships, especially with his sister Debra, played by Jennifer Carpenter, add depth to the story as they get pulled into his dark world.

The series is visually impressive, with the bright Miami setting and its darker themes. The early seasons are much praised for the strong storytelling though the later seasons are not liked as much.

Overall, “Dexter” is a thought-provoking series that challenges viewers to think about morality and how it is like not being able to connect with people and be human. Its memorable characters and engaging plot make it a must watch for anyone interested in psychological thrillers

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