Revenge of The Sith

Are you interested in gripping and action-packed films about outer space, other planets, extraterrestrial life, wars and battles? If yes, this film is just for you. A film written and directed by George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith, is the third film in the Star Wars series. Actually it’s the sixth film made, but in the series’ timeline it’s the third one. It’s mostly a fan favourite as it keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The film has two very likeable main characters. One named Obi-Wan and one name Anakin, who is the student of Obi-Wan. They are the warriors and protectors of a republic, which are called Jedis. Their mission is to have peace and balance. However, there is one thing that they do not know. The senator, Palpatine, is actually the head of the evil who leads the evil people who want to transform the republic into an empire and is undercover. But nobody knows this in the republic.

As being the head of the evil, Palpatine is obviously very strong and also manipulative. He sees Anakins power and his potential, and realises what his fears are. So he uses these fears to slowly turn Anakins power to hatred, and making Anakin believe that the more he hates things, the stronger he becomes. Which might be true but definetely isn’t Jedi way. Palpatine gives Anakin nightmares about his wife dying when giving birth. Which ends up in him being manipulated.

Then, Anakin becomes the apprentice of Palpatine, but the truth is now known by everyone. But Palpatine manages to kill one of the strongest Jedis and get out safe. Anakin and Palpatine escape. Palpatine also calls an order in which all of the clone warriors in the republic are now in the evils side, as they were programmed. The Jedi Council is bamboozled and very sad about this situation, meanwhile Anakin is also developing a hatred for Obi-Wan. After a while, Palpatine is found to be in a planet full of volcanoes. Obi-Wan goes there by ship with Anakins wife thinking Anakin might still turn his way. But he was wrong, Anakin knocks her out and duels Obi-Wan. It’s a fierce fight, but in the end Obi-Wan warns Anakin that he’s doing a dumb move but he doesn’t listen and gets his legs cut off. Anakin then gets burnt in lava but somehow survives. Palpatine then saves him and escapes.

In the end, Anakin is placed in a dark suit to cover up his burns, as now his skin can’t be in touch with the air. He’s now the infamous Darth Vader. And also his wife died when giving birth to two children. Darth Vader now has even bigger of a hatred.

Overall, this movie has many great aspects and a very unexpected twist in the end, which changes the course of the whole series. I’d recommend any one that’s interested in space and battles to watch this.

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