Responsibility And Feelings

What are you thinking about what is the best invention in the world?

‘İt can change with technology I can’t choose it.’ The most of the humans says this. Is this true for you to? Well… I don’t think this. Actually, when we are doing a new invention in the world, we thought that this will be very good for our humans, it’s needed. We become wonder each second. Do you agree with me?

We keep hard working for our idea to present to peoples who wants or needed. Most of the peoples says that: ‘ Internet is so beautiful. I think best invention is technology.’ And I thought that most of the people says that for social media it is so much peoples who can’t let technology. I know technology has good thinks to like: learning new information. I am totally agreeing this but videos, Instagram so popular for new video effects. Technology is an invention that wants time and responsibility.

Yeah, everything wants time I know but a person who wants a create a new app or game but he/she is a lazy person or forget things easily after a one day he/she will just others idea or playing others game and it will be gone forever

But a person who has a responsibility he/she can do things on their time he/she can working hard. He/she can save his relationship and in the future he/she can get a job which is really good and that lazy boy or girl doesn’t matter will watch he/she’s videos playing their games. I can feel that.

Let’s come to feelings,

You know ı told in my first paragraph about: ‘Wonder’ this is a feeling to which is related with responsibilities. If the person doesn’t has the feelings do you think it will be normal because it’s related with: friendship, job life. The all of the paragraph I want to tell that:

Responsibility is a back side of success to new ideas it is one of the most important inventions.

Feelings related to responsibility peoples can explain their problem and new ideas technology came from here to!

The most important inventions: Responsibility and feelings…

(My idea.)

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