Have you ever been pulled by a thought which tells you if everything that is happening, or will happen is just an illusion of another dimension or just the games that are played on us by super creatures from upper universes? Why the universe is just happened out of nowhere? What are we going to do after death, stuck in this endless growing maze to infinite? Or are there any places besides our universe?
As humanity developed since the stone-age, many thinkers and philosophers focused on one question. ‘’What realm are we living on?’’ Endless theories, endless questions, and never-certain answers are just the answers we have achieved yet. Due to the fact of our ignorance and lack of wisdom about our existence and our position in the universe, none of the questions about life is answered. And it will remain a myth until maybe a physics law will collapse our perception or a sign from Outerspace. Scientists focused on finding another planet that shows living creature signs. But why? Why are we trying to find other species or living things besides us, are we not enough for ourselves? Are 8 billion people not enough? Simple answer: No. No, we are not enough. The reason lay behind this is that we already know our species and we cannot go further without finding any other difference called ‘’anomaly’’. Because the answer that we might get is not in us. And another question is: Why are we even trying to step further? Because since the earth existed which is about 4.54 billion years old, we developed as I said at the beginning. And we think and find solutions logically. But this logic must be out of bounds. We are trying to find answers to ‘’why do we even exist and what is this reality or is this even reality?’’
About these, all questions, many people and theorists come up with different ideas such as: ‘’Are we in a dream, are we in a simulation or are we controlled in a game?’’ Many thinkers and scientists defend the idea of the ‘’Simulation of Universe’’. So what is this idea? This opinion suggests that the whole universe is just a simulation or a test of super creatures. To prove this idea, people said the black holes are the glitches of the simulation, the immensely rapidly growing universe is just the simulation getting much more comprehensive, and ideas like that. The closest answer that we could get is the Metaverse. Which is the simulation that we made of another universe. Universe of Digitality. This brings the question of ‘’How real is our planet, our streets our people, and ourselves.’’ to the table again. We create characters and environments in the metaverse which look close to reality. We made artificial reality just with simulations. The dimension of digitality, the resemblance of our world, and the simulations. Aren’t they look so similar? So, why can’t we in the simulation of the other people or creatures that made it? Can’t we be the test materials and artificial living things on this planet? Did you get the feeling? The creepy sensation of questioning ourselves and life, the disturbing feeling of the ‘’What if?’’ question? Are these the feelings that we get because we are close to any answers? Are these the feelings of discovering what we are?…
In the end, I think that we are definitely in a simulation or so. The major reason for that is the Bing Bang theory. How did it happen? The other galaxies and billions of planets. What surprises waiting for us? But for now, all of these questions are just about a theory. The theory of Resemblense of Dimensions.
Resemblance of Dimensions
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