Report: Sports Club

This report, which is supposed to evaluate extracurricular sports activities and also give recommendations for improvement in the forthcoming year, was assigned to me; therefore, it will be based on football, basketball, and swimming, as identified by the interviewed students, describing the benefits and drawbacks of this recommendation to the headteacher.

Football is one of the very popular games among the students for teamwork, fitness, and strategic thinking. Most of the students referred to the excitement of playing matches and building camaraderie through this. This sport requires a huge playing field ground and much investment in equipment, which may become inaccessible to every school authority. It is also highly physically demanding and increases the possibility of an injury during a competitive game.

Basketball is another fun and easy-to-organize favorite activity. Students enjoyed the speed of the game and the opportunity to build coordination and inter-communication. Smaller team sizes are a plus, too, because the game is more involving. On the minus side, some students felt that the speed at which the game was played could be intimidating for first-year students. Besides that, in certain climates, an indoor court will be needed, which will add to the expense.

Swimming provides advantages unique to the sport: full body workout, stress release and teaching an essential skill. The students said the sport was challenging yet rewarding. Swimming necessitates a very costly investment in maintaining a swimming pool with treated water and safety measures, for example. Participation may also be limited by the fact that not all students are comfortable in the water.

Following the suggestions given, basketball should be more feasible since it is accessible, and its benefits can be well measured because it generally requires less space and resources unlike football or swimming. This game also involves people of different skills, hence motivating more students to participate.

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