Report about the cultural festival, to Mr Mactavish

Dear Mr Mactavish,

This is the report you have asked  about the cultural festival our neighborhood wanted to organize.

Firstly I want to start by saying that I think this a very good and fun idea due to our neighborhood being such a diverse place, we nearly have people from all countries! Having everyone setting up stands and dressing in their cultural clothing is such a perfect idea.

The first benefit that I would like to explain is that with the help of this festival, people will get to learn about others cultures and embrace their own culture. Some people are afraid to express their culture due to them thinking they would get hate for it but with this organization we will help them internalize it more and even show it to other people.

One of the downsides of this celebration might be racist people. I do in fact know that we do not have any racist people in our neighborhood, thank god, but due to this being a big organization I do not doubt that we will have visitors from close neighborhoods. And as I specified before, some people are afraid to express their culture and these type of people might throw them even further.

Unlike this previous problem, the other benefit is that people would bind due to the social interactions! A good neighborhood means a need of good social relationship between the residents and with this event, I highly believe that strong relationships are going to be made.

Another downside of this event might be the countries who are not the best mates I might say. For example what if the Greek person and Turkish person both have baklava and serve them? Who can stop them from arguing about tons of food. This was just an example given but it still isn’t something that cannot happen.

To end the report I would like to suggest several things. I think that since this is the first ever cultural festival that we are hosting, it should be between us -the neighborhood. Also  think that before serving up food, we should get a list of everything everyone is planning to serve so there wont be any doubles or any arguments due to these. I would like to add that I think this is a brilliant idea Mr. Mactavish, I am certainly looking forward to your new upcoming ideas.

Sincerely your friend, Ela Gizer

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