The aim for this report is to recommend extra-curricular activities for our school like my teacher had asked me. These activities having the purpose to make us, the students, have a healthier life and benefit out school life.
Sports club offers activities such as football, basketball and volleyball. These activities would help us have a break from our schedule and give us a break from lessons and relax. This would help us have better concentration as well as decreasing our stress, as many suggested.
Arts and craft workshop would provide us with a range of ways to express our feelings while relaxing by doing things like painting and sculpture. As well as encourage us to be more creative-minded, developing our brain, it would also be an option for student who don’t like doing sports but still want to be productive.
Outdoor adventure program focuses on tasks like hiking and learning about the nature. This would help us to both develop our understanding of teamwork and the understanding of our surroundings, making us have a feeling of responsibility. While doing these it would also make us, students, to form a healthy lifestyle and might appear to more students.
In my opinion the best option to pick from these extra-curriculum activities would be the outdoor adventure program Because not only it would both help us to socialize more while encouraging us to have a better life, the outdoor adventure program would also increase our concentration and benefit our academic performance making it the best option.