Recruitment of Creativity

It is not easy to invest a great amount of your money into a business, is it? The only difference between gambling and investing your money in your company is; in investing, you can start up a new business and you become an entrepreneur whether you fail or succeed. In both ways, you have a story to tell. On the other hand, you may either have – not gain –  or lose the money then leave the table by gambling. In this situation you don’t devote yourself to anything, it is just a one-time experience so the money you gain is actually nothing for you.

Being your own boss is everyone’s dream but do people really have the courage to follow their dream life? I believe it just continues to be a dream, nothing else. The reason why they don’t make their dreams come true is not knowing the process of starting up a new business. The thing you don’t know becomes mysterious and risky therefore not becoming an entrepreneur is understandable.

So what are the most important steps to start up a new business?

If I were the entrepreneur – hopefully, one day – the first thing I would consider is deciding on the sector. The sector must be something that takes the attention of the consumers and it should satisfy the people’s needs according to their living. The food, textile and architecture sectors are focusing on basic needs. Consequently, these are the least risky sectors. Of course, an entrepreneur must choose the sector according to his/her interests. Therefore the sector I would distinguish is architecture, so let’s focus on that industry.

These days, ecology and renewable energy are topical issues. Accordingly, the thing that I would produce must be ecological. Also, day by day the space on earth decreases and it’s not sensible to replace huge buildings with trees.

My solution would be tiny houses. They are transportable, minimal, economic and ecological. You can produce all of the electricity that you need by using sustainable energy. That means saving a lot of energy and protecting nature by not using fossil fuels. To conclude, the product I will produce is a tiny house.

Second, I need to identify the needs of this company which consists of designers, architects, solar energy – other renewable energy experts, lawyers, manufacturers, advertisers and builder’s laborers. To recruit these people, there should be a specific job description. Generally, this is HRM (Human Resources Management)’s job but in the beginning, the entrepreneur must take all the responsibility. So there is a recruitment process which is the most time-taking process of all.

After you publish the recruitment with a content job description, resumes should be reviewed, and then meetings should be scheduled. After that, it’s time to decide on the right candidate(s) that will be interviewed. Moreover, searching is important and the most time-saving way to do this is searching on ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). By ATS, you can recruit Top-Tier Candidates that you think suit your job well.


The last part is making a list of the best interview questions to ask before you get started.

My questions would specifically focus on creativity because this industry does exist but this company should be innovative and creative to survive in the market.


To understand the person’s creativity, I would look at their past projects, any competitions that need creativity the candidate applied, plans for the future, what do candidate knows about building an ecological house, and the candidate’s knowledge about the features of a transportable house.

After these steps, the election of the workforce will be done and then the company can officially exist.

In conclusion, after this recruitment project, which is the 80% of creating a brand, most of your work will be done and that means if you succeeded in his process, the rest of your work will be less risky.

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