Reading Mind?

Have you ever thought about a very good and mesmerizing idea about something like your school project or your blog, but you couldn’t explain it very well and maybe because of it, you change your ideas? What could happen if some scientist creates something that writes our thoughts in our mind into the computer?

First of all, in the developing world, it is possible to see something like this device. It will help all the humans in the world. It will help scientists or engineers because our brain is faster than our hands and our speaking. They can use it for explaining their ideas to other people. Because it is easier and faster, producing new technologies will be faster. Two scientists can think together and think about some possibilities for their work, they will close their gaps, and it will be better and faster work. There will be a lot of work done in seconds but maybe it can make some health diseases if we use them for a lot of time.

Secondly, it can help to decrease the crime rates. Maybe some of the police officers can use it for finding some of the criminal’s ideas or plans to do. They can have a better view of crime from the robber’s perspective. Some big crimes can be solved by this method.

Finally, it may cause some disasters in the world. There can be some idea robbery problem. People’s ideas can be stolen by some viruses. Their ideas or some personal thoughts of the person can be stolen and it can make some disasters. People’s personal data will be difficult to protect. Maybe an important message will be revealed and it may cause some wars too.

There are some negative things about the idea of this thinking machine but it has more positive things about it. Scientists and engineers can do a lot of work in a small time and maybe in some police stations, they can read the criminal’s mind and solve the problem in the city. It would provide a better and faster life.

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