Rainbow in Magical World

One day ı was walking in a forest. I saw a rainbow and crossed under it. Then an impressing World was under my feets. When ı look around only think that ı saw was chocolate, just chocolate. How amazing World it was. The forest was pink instead of green like usual. Waterfall was turquoes. Forest was so quite, ı only heared  the birds. Birds was green and their eyes were yellow.

First think ı was thinking this must have been a dream. How could it be real. Every thing was impressing that ı saw. I toucht everythıng that ı saw to check if it was real or not. İt was my childhood dream. I was looking for mushrooms to eat because ı was hungry. As ı was looking for mushrooms, an elf came up my way. İt was way shorter than me and funny-looking. He had sharp ears annd he was orange. I went up to him an asked for his help. He said he would be happy to guide me through the forest. We chatted for a bit then we found the mushroom land. There were red mushrooms and those were the ones that weren’t poisonous. I collected enough mushrooms. I found woods in the forest and ı set a fire. I was shocked when ı heard that was 172 years old. He was still feeling healty. I started to cook the mushrooms. He was preparing soup as ı was cooking the mushrooms. He said that it was his special recipe to look young. We sat down and ate. The soup was really delicious. İt reminded me of my grandma’s soup. After dinner ı felt really tired so ı quickly went to sleep. When ı woke up ı can’t see the elf. When ı go outside to search the elf ı see a horse with one horn. It was magnificient. The horse took me to some where. There was a pink portal to the Heaven of Unicorns.

The horse was taking me to there. Horse was so cute. She took me aroud and she introduced her friends to me. Than the horse pushed me and ı woke up in my room.

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