R FOR RYAN? (pt. 1)

I wake up late in the morning. That’s weird because I swear I set the alarm before I fell asleep. I didn’t seem to think much of it. Did my daily routine: got out off bed, went into the toilet; washed my face, brushed my teeth and prepared breakfast. An omelette made with two eggs and a yolk, some cheese grated on top. It was at the same perfection and boringness level just like it felt the day before, and the day before, and the day before that…

On the way to work I decided to step a bit out of routine. I went inside some coffee shop and got myself a tall black coffee. No nothing. No sugar, no milk. Just plain black coffee. When I put my hand into my pocket I found a piece of paper in my pocket that said “call me now!” on the crumpled paper, there was also a number whose last digit had been wiped out with a signature – R under. I rushed to my office and threw myself onto my office’s couch. Something inside of me whispered into my ear, “This is not normal. Who would put something like this in my pocket? Maybe they confused me with someone else.” I tried out all the possibilities for the last digit and it was when somebody finally picked up. Hello, I called out. Nobody answered.

After my shift I headed to my car, unlocked it, inserted the key, and right when I was about to turn the key I felt something cold on the back of my neck. I made eye contact with a stranger: his face was covered with a bandana but his eyes were talking to me. I jumped when he yelled “Get out of the car. Now.” As soon as I stepped my foot out of the car two other men, in suits this time, took me to the backseat and sat next to me. The bandana guy started driving. There was something in the air; it felt heavy. My lungs started crushing and I shut my eyes. When I gained back all my senses all three of them were standing in front of me – with a blonde English man, whom were their boss I presume.

He looked at me with his deep blue eyes and started to ask me about a Ryan. While his mouth was doing all the talking, he had no thoughts behind. His eyes were blank. No thought could be read. Like Tom Cruise on his interviews with the Scientology eyes he gave. This made me think that they were all a bunch of professional men dealing with their professional business – which in this case is me.


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