Prosperity Level

Countries with a high level of prosperity and a high standard of living are called countries that are high both economically and in terms of the opportunities provided by the state for their people. In other words, it means that the public receives more than enough salary to think only about the problem of livelihood, the state offers the citizen both the things he needs and the opportunities to increase the social aspect of the citizen.

When we say the level of well-being, the peace of citizens in the country should be considered. The state must provide its citizens with living standards of a decent quality. Education conditions should be good, the environment should be immaculate, hospital conditions should be good, the minimum wage level should not be low, the economy should be in place. The higher the level of prosperity, the more developed it is, it is a good country. The lower the level of prosperity, the more undeveloped the country is.

The difference between the birth rate and the death rate indicates the population dec. If the birth rate is high and the death rate is low in a country, population growth occurs. If the mortality rate exceeds the birth rate, a decrease in the population occurs. Generally, the population growth rate is high in underdeveloped countries and the population growth rate is low in developed countries. If the population growth rate is higher than the development rate, the country’s development slows down or regresses. If the population growth rate is lower than the development rate, the country’s development increases.

Population growth greatly increases the need for goods and services, and these growing needs create a huge pressure on natural resources. An excess of the population also means an excess of waste generation and threats to human health. Moreover, the high population growth is a direct factor that forces the environment to renew itself.

Population growth, poverty and environmental degradation are closely interrelated. For example, as the population increases, the soil begins to be used more intensively, fallow periods are shortened, and the fertility of the soil begins to decline. As forests also begin to decline, the result is environmental degradation, decreased soil and crop productivity. This leads to a decrease in per capita income and an increase in poverty. The increase in poverty also leads to more soil destruction and, consequently, to the formation of a vicious circle. That is why population growth negatively affects the level of well-being.

Population growth can have both a positive and a negative function for the environment and development. Thanks to population growth, alternative sources can be found and technological development can be accelerated. On the other hand, the consumption of natural resources reduces the pace of development and environmental quality. The negative reflection of practices aimed at increasing agricultural production on soil and environmental quality also shows that the negative aspects of population growth predominate over the positive aspects.

The decrease in the population also has both positive and negative effects on well-being. For example, from its positive effects:

  1. Wages of workers increase.
  2. The rate of urbanization decreases
  3. Internal and external migrations are reduced
  4. The shortage of housing is reduced
  5. Education and health services would be better
  6. Environmental pollution is reduced
  7. Consumption of natural resources decreases
  8. The national income per capita increases

Negative effects as well:

  1. Demand for goods and services decreases
  2. The market narrows and new investment sites do not open
  3. New branches of industry are not formed much, economic diversity is reduced
  4. There will be no new job sites
  5. Tax revenues decrease
  6. Military power decreases
  7. Demographic investments decrease
  8. The pace of development decreases.

In short, the population surplus has both positive and negative effects. These effects are something that can vary depending on the situation. If a country with a developed level of prosperity is desired, then it is necessary to dwell on these important points.

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