Pros and cons of watching films or Tv series


Pros and cons of watching films or Tv series

Who does not like watching films or movies? Frankly watching films and TV series is my one of the most favourite hobby. It improves my English, my culture and my history knowledge and even my world knowledge. Some scientists have some arguments about watching films. Some of  them say that watching films is good for young people but others are against to this idea. Lets look at different views about this topic.

The scientists who support this idea say that films and series provide a kind of entertainment and relaxation to escape from their real lifes and stress and take them to different stories, characters and worlds. Also films offer insights into different cultures, traditions and societies. It helps to look from different  perspectives into distinct ways of life around the whole world. The last advantage is about education and learning new subjects. Watching something can be educational and it can help to look  from different historical perpectives. It helps to revive historical events, scientific concepts or social issues.

Altough watching films result in good experience, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider. First advantage is watching films sometimes involves long periods of sitting which can cause sedentary lifestyle and heath issues like obesity. Second problem is  wrong time consumption. Extreme movie watching can cause important amount of time waste. Last but not least one is reality distortion. Overindulgence of films as a means of escaping from reality can cause to a disconnetion from real life responsibilities and problems. For example young people can forget their homework or do not give importance for their lessons. It wil be risky for them.

In conclusion,there are both negative and positive aspects of watching  films and TV series for all ages not only for young people. In all other cases too much time wasting for something other than your responsibilities will damage your life and your health.Ofcourse watching films and TV series have some positive aspects as I  stated above like educational benefits.  Therefore everyone should be balanced for everything they have spent time on it.

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