Preserving Regional Products and Supporting Locals

As globalization takes more and more away from each culture and tradition we cherish, it also affects the locals who make their living off our local products. With globalization, local products keep on losing their value and the local businesses start to suffer. As this situation continues, we lose more of our culture each day. In a crucial case like this, it would only be logical to take action to preserve local producers and regional products made by them. So, how can we preserve local producers?

Firstly, promoting farmer’s markets. Farmer’s markets are places where native farmers get to sell their fruits and vegetables directly to the customer. These farmer’s markets can be supported by the government’s Department of Agriculture. By doing this the farmers’ markets could reach a bigger audience of consumers.

Another way is raising public awareness. In order to do this; campaigns could be held, or workshops could be given. In these campaigns and workshops the significance of local producers and our region’s culture could be brought up. There could also be options to these raising awareness activities like online or face to face. In some companies and schools participating in these activities can also be rewarded with some kind of certificate of its own.

Other than the ones we have mentioned, using the power of media and especially social media could also be an appealing way to both raise awareness and increase the popularity of local products. Just like the workshops solely to raise awareness, other workshops can be given to let the locals on technology and social media. Nowadays a lot of “small businesses” are run and recognized via social media. The locals could market their own products on social media and the government could help the ones willing to try. A community could be created involving volunteers willing to help locals and also all the locals determined to get into social media.

Overall, there are a bunch more ways that we could help preserve our local producers and help protect our culture despite globalization. Whether it’s fund raising, farmer’s markets or raising awareness it is really important for us to acknowledge this issue and take action regarding this topic.

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