Present or Future: Which One Matters?

For decades people, especially thinkers, thought and discussed about the importance of what matters in life. For some people the thing that actually matters is just what we do in life although some other people think that what we will become has a much bigger significance. Those who advocates for what we will become is much more important than what we do generally says that future has a greater importance when it comes to shaping the world into a better place. They think that by setting goals and working towards them, we can make a positive impact on our lives and society as a whole. On the flip side people that thinks what we do right know is more important thinks in a more realistic and practical way. They believe that if we don’t take action to improve ourselves and our surroundings today, we’re essentially wasting our time.

I agree with the latter group. To me, what we do in the present moment holds more weight than what we might become in the future. It’s all about seeing the opportunities that are right in front of us and making the most of them. After all, the future is uncertain, and there’s no guarantee that our aspirations will ever become real. But by taking action now, we can start building a foundation for a better tomorrow.

Think about it this way: if we spend all our time dreaming about the person we want to become without actually doing anything to get there, we’re essentially just spinning our wheels. It’s like setting sail on a ship without a destination in mind – we might go for a while, but eventually, we’ll run out of steam and find ourselves right back where we started.

On the other hand, when we take steps to improve ourselves and our surroundings, we’re actively shaping our own destinies. Whether it’s learning a new skill, volunteering in our community, or simply being kind to others, every action we take has the potential to make a difference – no matter how small it may seem at the time.

Of course, this isn’t to say that we shouldn’t think about the future at all. It’s important to have goals and aspirations to strive towards. But we shouldn’t let those dreams consume us to the point where we neglect the present moment. After all, life is happening right now, in this very moment – and it’s up to us to make the most of it.

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